Use "electoral race for prime minister|electoral race for prime minister" in a sentence

1. Prime Minister, for years,

2. The Prime Minister compared the development work in a district to a relay race.

3. Prime minister!

4. The Prime Minister may delegate to the Deputy Prime Minister chairing meetings.

5. Ennoble a prime minister for distinguished service.

6. The Union Cabinet chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi has approved the proposal for an MoU between India and the the Electoral Commission of Namibia (ECN) and with Electoral Tribunal of Panama (ETP) on cooperation in the field of electoral management and administration.

7. The prime minister keeps shaping up for Confected …

8. The Deputy Prime Minister, Meechai Ruchuphan, became caretaker Prime Minister for an interim period until the new government was assigned.

9. The 1964 Constitution also granted the Prime Minister the power to summon the Electoral College in case of the death of the King.

10. The prime minister has a reputation for powerful oratory.

11. The Special Envoy carried a letter from the Pakistan Prime Minister addressed to Prime Minister.

12. Current Prime Minister since 2014.

13. They forecast a humiliating defeat for the Prime Minister.

14. Public support for the Prime Minister has now vanished.

15. The result is a humiliation for the prime minister.

16. Your Excellency Prime Minister Abe,

17. The Prime Minister called for abandoning the incremental approach.

18. He was Minister of Education under Prime Minister Yoshirō Mori.

19. The Prime Minister has appointed a civilian as defence minister.

20. Former Vice Prime Minister for Economic Affairs, former Minister of Domestic Trade and Consumer protection.

21. [ + that ] The prime minister has Announced …

22. The Prime Minister will address them.

23. Prime Minister, the Commissioner was arrive

24. Who's the prime minister of Canada?

25. Bigmouths who embarrassed Prime Minister Modi

26. You shall call me Prime Minister

27. Deputy Prime Minister Trinh Dinh Dung,

28. Your Excellency Prime Minister Shinzo Abe,

29. Prime Minister your prescience is humbling!

30. * Excellency Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung

31. Reporters clustered round the Prime Minister.

32. 16 Is globalisation for the few or for the many, Prime Minister?

33. It stopped a prime minister Arrogating the crown for partisan ends

34. The Prime Minister is calling for sweeping reforms of the NHS.

35. 8 The Prime Minister is preparing for a showdown with Ministers.

36. Prime Minister: Prime Minister Gilani has invited me to visit Pakistan on almost every occasion that I met him.

37. The Prime Minister also conveyed his warm regards to H. E. Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, Prime Minister of Malaysia.

38. Yet both the prime minister and the foreign minister remain silent.


40. The Prime Minister made a stirring speech.

41. In 1956, she became Foreign Minister under Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion.

42. However, Asda accused the Prime Minister of looking for a scapegoat.

43. 3 Who's the prime minister of Canada?

44. Excellency Deputy Prime Minister Trịnh Đình Dũng,

45. Mitterrand named the former RPR Finance Minister Edouard Balladur as Prime Minister.

46. Ultimate responsibility rests with the prime minister.

47. 21 Ditto , with luck, the prime minister.

48. The Prime Minister is surrounded by sycophants.

49. Thereafter Prime Minister goes to Spain. This visit to Spain by our Prime Minister is happening almost after 30 years.

50. Article 124: The Prime Minister may delegate its powers to deputy prime minister or a member of the royal government.

51. Japan's Prime Minister changes almost every year.

52. The prime minister was assassinated by extremists.

53. "Pakistan's Former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto Assassinated".

54. o Excellency Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung;

55. The Prime Minister was in ebullient mood.

56. The civilian junta appointed a prime minister.

57. So I just wanted to express my admiration for Prime Minister Singh.

58. The Prime Minister wanted to create a safe haven for the refugees.

59. Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd apologises for the past mistreatment of Aborigines.

60. He met Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Energy and Public Utilities Dr.

61. Before becoming prime minister, Ganzouri served as Minister of Planning and International Cooperation.

62. The Prime Minister stressed on the need for value addition in agriculture.

63. Prayers with the injured for a speedy recovery”, the Prime Minister said.

64. I was taken aback by his scathing, virulent remarks about Prime Minister Viktor Yushchenko and former Deputy Prime Minister Yulia Timoshenko.

65. You have to call him the prime minister

66. The prime minister narrowly survived a leadership challenge.

67. In Greece , the prime minister reshuffled his Cabinet and replaced his finance minister .

68. Prime Minister Gilani had assured our Prime Minister, when they met in Thimphu, that Pakistan will not allow its soil to be used for terrorist activities against India.

69. For a while he was both Prime Minister and Minister of Finance after Tofialu stepped down from the Premiership.

70. Prime Minister Modi’s vision has four key elements:

71. The cabinet are agreed by the Prime Minister.

72. 3 The Prime Minister made a stirring speech.

73. The prime minister is appointed by the monarch.

74. The prime minister promised farmers a new deal .

75. 1 The prime minister was assassinated by extremists.

76. MALIAN, A.F., Prime Minister and Minister of External Affairs of South Africa (May-).

77. Previously he served as Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance in 2011.

78. The Prime Minister also called for generating a mass movement for soil health cards.

79. The Prime Minister may also dissolve the Knesset.

80. He was at odds with his Prime Minister.